Single Ferrule Compression Tube Fittings


Single ferrule compression tube fittings are used in hydraulics and instrumentation. The design of the single ferrule fitting should result in a leak-proof seal that resists wide fluctuations in temperature and pressure and can resist vibration and torque. Single ferrule fittings are available in a variety of materials, and should be matched properly with the hydraulic hoses to which they will be joined.


The single ferrule compression tube fitting can be used in many industries, including:
  • Petro-chemical
  • Pulp and paper
  • Chemical
  • Power
  • Nuclear


The single ferrule compression tube fitting is easily installed and creates a leak-proof seal. The single ferrule has almost a spring-like function that keeps tension between the body of the fitting and the compression nut. These fittings should be able to withstand the same demands as the hydraulic hoses to which they are attached. They should also outlast the hoses when installed correctly.


Temperature fluctuations on the job site can cause wear and tear on equipment. Environmental factors, along with heat generated by hydraulic fluids and machinery, can cause hydraulic hoses to harden and become more brittle over time. This can affect the seal at fittings.

Single ferrule compression tube fittings will last until you have to replace the hose, and usually can be installed on the new hoses. As temperatures at the job site fluctuate, the fitting should remain effective.


Pressure within the hydraulic hose will fluctuate with temperatures and because of pressure from machinery. Single ferrule fittings will maintain a firm seal without compromising the hose. At this point, it is important to note that the correct fitting must be selected for each hose so that a proper seal can be established and maintained. Fittings that are too big or too small for a particular hose will not withstand the rigor of a job site, and can contribute to catastrophic failure.


If a single ferrule fitting is approved for two different hoses, then it will be adaptable to both hoses. This will work even if one hose is fractionally a different size than the other hose, or has a different structure within approved variances. The fitting should be able to provide a tight seal without crushing the hose or impeding flow.